清华论坛第85讲-世文系列第四期:On Cross-cultural Understanding and Collaborations in the Era of Economic Globalization学术活动

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演讲人:Hanno D. Wentzler(文汉德),科德宝特种化工集团总裁兼首席执行官
演讲题目:On Cross-cultural Understanding and Collaborations in the Era of Economic Globalization(经济全球化时代里的跨文化对话与理解)
主持人:颜海平 清华大学外文系系主任,清华大学世界文学与文化研究院院长,教授


Hanno D. Wentzler, President and CEO of Freudenberg Chemical Specialities and Member of the Executive Council of German Freudenberg Group, is a fifth-generation descendent of the company’s founder Carl Johann Freudenberg. 63 year old Hanno D. Wentzler looks back to an international business career spanning over almost 40 years. He joined Freudenberg in 1986 after several years in various managerial functions in correspondent banking and corporate finance at J.P. Morgan. After holding leading positions within the Freudenberg Group’s seals and vibration control businesses he was appointed to President and CEO of Klüber Lubrication, Munich, Germany, and since 2004 serves as President and CEO of Freudenberg Chemical Specialities, also based in Munich. For almost ten years (until 2016) he was responsible for the strategic development of the Freudenberg businesses in Asia and acted as Freudenberg Regional Representative. Hanno Wentzler is member of several corporate committees and industrial or societal associations. Among others he is chairman of Freudenberg Help e.V. - a corporate body of the group supporting charitable and common-good objectives and organizations – and Member of the Board of the Network of German companies doing business in Asia (OAV).

Hanno D. Wentzler(文汉德),科德宝特种化工集团总裁兼首席执行官,科德宝集团执行委员会成员,公司创始人Carl Johann Freudenberg的第五代继承人。现年62岁的文汉德先生已经历了40多年的国际商业生涯。他于1986年加入科德宝,此前他曾在摩根大通担任代理银行及银行融资业务的管理职位。加入科德宝时,他最初在密封和减震控制业务中担任多个领导岗位,之后被任命为位于慕尼黑的克鲁勃润滑剂公司总裁兼首席执行官,自2004年起担任科德宝特种化工集团总裁兼首席执行官。近十多年来他一直担任科德宝亚洲地区代表,负责科德宝在亚洲的业务战略发展,直到2016年。文汉德先生是多个企业委员会,工业和社会协会的成员,还是致力于慈善和支持公共事业的科德宝援助协会Freudenberg Help e.V.的主席,是在亚洲开展业务的德国企业网络—德国亚太商业协会(OAV)的董事会成员。


Cross-cultural differences and the intercultural aspects of collaboration have become increasingly prevalent over recent years, particularly in global economics and for the entrepreneur. Diversity of minds, habits, cultures and socioeconomic backgrounds generates different patterns of manner impacting the behavior of the partners involved. Cross-cultural cooperation in a globalized economy provides advantages and obstacles. Most of the obstacles could be overcome if the partner’s acting, not only the acting of an individual, but the acting of companies, societies, states and countries bases on a firm set of values. Values, if lived, provide a kind of compass allowing considering the needs of others and finding approaches that serve mutual requirements. Balancing interest, either based on firm agreements or on mutual understanding and respect, requires openness, fairness, the will to exchange and consistency. Balancing interests of different parties form the foundation for economic development and finally also for the welfare of billions of people around the world. The inherent opportunities of the freedom to exchange are almost endless. Diversity should not be disregarded and contrary interests and objectives have to be considered - not as an obstacle, but as an opportunity to review the partner’s respective positions on eye level. It is about recognizing and acknowledging given differences and to find ways for a mutual acquaintance ultimately serving common entitlements.



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