沈向洋双聘教授聘任仪式暨“春风讲堂”系列讲座第四讲:Engineering Responsible AI学术活动

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时间:2020年3月5日9:00-10:10(北京时间)  2020年3月4日17:00-18:10(西雅图时间)


Recent achievements and advancements in AI have outpaced what anyone would have thought imaginable even five to ten years ago. For instance, we are fast approaching human parity across many areas of AI — speech, vision, language and knowledge. But many practitioners building AI technology and deploying AI products have not always thought through the societal implications such as fairness and transparency.

In this talk, Dr. Shum will discuss how we can best address these societal challenges before the next AI innovation and development cycle. Up to this point, the answer has centered on principles – guidelines to help companies and countries navigate the complexities and implications of AI. But principles alone are no longer enough—industry, academia and government need to take actions now to move from principles to practices. Dr. Shum will share what Microsoft AI and Research have been practicing, from doing research in explainable and interpretable AI, to leveraging useful tools like datasheets and checklists commonly used in other industries, to forming an internal AI ethics committee providing guidelines for shipping AI products, to sharing and learning best practices with other companies through the Partnership in AI.


沈向洋博士,计算机视觉和图形学专家,美国国家工程院外籍院士,英国皇家工程院外籍院士,美国电气与电子工程师学会(IEEE)院士,计算机协会(ACM)院士。1996年获得美国卡内基·梅隆大学计算机科学院博士后,加入微软研究院。1999年回北京参与创立微软中国研究院。在微软期间,历任微软亚洲研究院院长,兼首席科学家;微软全球资深副总裁,全球执行副总裁。负责微软人工智能的整体战略和研发工作,包括必应搜索,并领导世界首屈一指的计算机科学研究机构 - 微软研究院。他对计算机和人工智能领域发展的贡献,得到业界和学术界的普遍公认和推崇。



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